Privacy Blog

"Friends don’t let friends get spied on.' – Richard Stallman, President of the Free Software Foundation and longtime advocate of privacy in technology.

Contact the Webmaster

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Unfortunately, I cannot answer any messages that:

Request personal help, advice, tips or guidance.
Ask about computers: how to use computers, how to use software, etc.

If you have a question about an article that has been published in the Privacy Blog, please post your question(s) in the Comments section at the end of that article. You will benefit from answers not only from myself, but also from other readers who may know more about the topic than I do.

I would love to be able to reply to all of the e-mail messages I receive. I really do enjoy chatting with Privacy Blog readers. However, I already sit at this computer for far too many hours each day! At some point, I have to say “no more.”

Realistically, it is not possible for me to write a personal email reply to each message received. Sometimes I just give up, turn off the lights, and go to bed. That typically happens after 2 AM. The next morning, I am still facing all the backlog plus an additional 300 to 500 new messages received overnight, not counting spam.

I think my time is better spent on researching and writing articles for the Privacy Blog where I hopefully can answer the questions of many people in one article.

Thank you for your understanding.